While using one of Google’s (paid) business services, I encountered a minor issue. After engaging tech support I was able to complete the task at hand. I couldn’t help but think that with a few small changes, Google could improve this particular area and make it easier for me and other customers.
Then, I received a survey. “Perfect,” I thought, “this is a great opportunity to share my feedback.”
The first question was an open comment box that asked, “What do you like best about (the product)?” I answered and clicked “Next.” “You’re all done! Thanks for your feedback.” was the next screen. That was the entire survey!
As a customer, this communicated to me that Google only wanted to hear nice things about their product and didn’t care about making any improvements. I don’t believe this is Google’s philosophy, but that’s the message it sent.
Although it’s not required for most medical practices, many are starting to send patient satisfaction surveys to measure patient experience. Patient surveys can help medical practices improve their service, and also provide an outlet for patients to give honest feedback. Some patients want a forum to give feedback, and if you don’t provide it, they may look elsewhere like Yelp and Google.
We recommend keeping your surveys short – around 10-12 questions, and nearly all of them multiple choice. But, the last question should always be an open response. Something along the lines of, “Do you have any additional comments?”
This is where you will get the most valuable feedback; positive and negative. You will get positive comments that you can share with your staff and providers. This can increase morale and personal attitudes – something all practices should be trying to do. Lastly, providing an outlet for negative feedback may save you from a nasty review on Yelp or Google, provided you address the patient concern quickly.
The icing on the patient experience cake is the bonus on the Quality Performance category score awarded to medical practices under the new MACRA/MIPS for reporting on patient experience.
Questions about patient experience surveys? Contact us today.