69% of patients choose or avoid doctors based on reviews.

We help you bury negative reviews with a flood of authentic positive reviews.

Review Generation

What is medical practice reputation management?

Medical practice reputation management is the process of monitoring, maintaining, and improving a medical practice’s reputation and online image. This includes encouraging reviews, responding to reviews, and managing negative information.

Why is reputation management important for medical practices?

Do you want the only reviews of your medical practice to be from the angry minority of patients? Of course not. Without active reputation management, that’s usually what happens.

Reputation management is important for medical practices because it directly impacts the success and growth of the practice. Patients use online reviews, ratings, and recommendations to evaluate and choose healthcare providers, so a positive online reputation can help attract new patients and retain existing ones. On the other hand, negative reviews, comments, or complaints can harm the practice’s reputation and negatively affect patient trust, satisfaction, and loyalty. By actively managing their online reputation, medical practices can ensure they are presenting a professional and trustworthy image to the public and potential patients.

How can I improve my medical practice’s online reputation?

To improve your medical practice’s online reputation, you can follow these steps:

  1. Respond to all reviews, both positive and negative, in a professional and empathetic manner.
  2. Encourage patients to leave positive reviews by providing excellent care and customer service.
  3. Ask your patients regularly. This is the #1 reason why medical practices don’t have better reviews.
  4. Make it easy. If you’re handing out QR codes or have a sign that says “please leave a review online” – you’re asking too much of your patients to be effective.
  5. Publish regular, high-quality content, such as blog posts, articles, and videos, to showcase your expertise and demonstrate your commitment to patient care.
  6. Manage negative information by addressing any complaints or concerns in a timely manner and taking steps to correct the issue.
  7. Utilize social media to engage with patients and promote positive reviews.
  8. Partner with reputable organizations and websites to showcase positive endorsements and build credibility.
  9. Continuously monitor your online reputation and track metrics, such as the number of reviews, average rating, and sentiment, to measure the impact of your efforts.
  10. No time to do all this? Get an expert partner that can help you with all of this. Contact us today.

By implementing these strategies, you can build and maintain a positive online reputation, which can help attract new patients and increase patient trust and loyalty.

Can reputation management help my medical practice attract new patients?

Yes, reputation management can help a medical practice attract new patients. A positive online reputation can increase trust and credibility, making potential patients more likely to choose your practice over competitors. When people search for healthcare providers online, they read reviews and ratings to gauge the quality of care and customer service. A practice with a high rating, many positive reviews, and a strong online presence is more appealing to potential patients and helps drive new patient acquisition. Additionally, reputation management can help mitigate the impact of negative reviews or complaints and prevent them from deterring potential patients. By actively managing and improving your online reputation, you can increase your practice’s visibility and attract new patients.

What role do patient privacy laws play in medical practice reputation management?

Patient privacy laws, such as HIPAA (Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act), play a significant role in medical practice reputation management. HIPAA regulations protect the confidentiality of patient health information and restrict the use and disclosure of personal health information. When responding to reviews or addressing complaints, it’s essential to be mindful of these regulations and avoid any disclosure of patient information that could violate HIPAA laws. It’s essential to be familiar with patient privacy laws and incorporate them into your medical practice’s reputation management strategy to protect patient privacy and maintain a positive online reputation. Most agencies don’t have a firm grasp of HIPAA and its role when responding to reviews. Since we only work with healthcare organizations, we have a firm understanding of how to respond to reviews in a HIPAA-compliant way.

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Doctor Reputation Management 101

As a doctor, your reputation is crucial to the success of your medical practice. Patients trust you with their health and well-being, and a positive reputation can attract new patients and help you build a loyal following. On the other hand, a negative reputation can drive patients away and harm your practice.

In the digital age, managing your reputation is more important than ever. With the proliferation of review websites, social media, and online directories, it’s easier for patients to share their experiences with you and for others to find out about them. This means that it’s essential to keep an eye on what’s being said about you online and to take steps to protect and enhance your reputation.

In this article, we’ll go over the basics of doctor reputation management, including why it’s important, how to monitor your reputation, and what you can do to improve it.

Why is doctor reputation management important?

Your reputation is a reflection of the quality of care you provide, and it can have a significant impact on your medical practice. According to a recent survey, 84% of patients use online reviews to find a doctor, and a positive reputation can lead to increased patient trust and loyalty. On the other hand, a negative reputation can lead to decreased trust and lower patient satisfaction.

In addition to attracting new patients, a positive reputation can also lead to referrals from other healthcare providers, which can help you grow your practice. A negative reputation, on the other hand, can lead to decreased referrals and a loss of business.

How to monitor your doctor reputation

The first step in managing your reputation is to keep an eye on what’s being said about you online. There are several tools and methods you can use to monitor your reputation.

Google Alerts: Google Alerts is a free tool that allows you to receive notifications whenever your name or practice is mentioned online. Simply enter your name or practice name into the tool, and you’ll receive an email notification whenever your name appears in a Google search result.

Online directories: Online directories like Google Maps/Google Business Profile can also contain reviews and ratings of your practice. It’s critical to claim your listing on these directories and monitor the reviews that are left there.

Review websites: Many patients leave reviews of their healthcare providers on websites like Healthgrades, Vitals, WebMD, and more. It’s a good idea to regularly check these websites to see what people are saying about you.

Social media: Social media platforms like Facebook can be a great way to keep track of what people are saying about you. Be sure to regularly check your social media accounts and respond to any comments or reviews.

***If you don’t want to do all this yourself, contact us to see how we can help.***

What to do if you have a negative reputation

If you discover that you have a negative reputation online, it’s important to take steps to address the issue. Here are a few steps you can take:

Seek out positive reviews: Most of the time, a bad reputation is only caused by a few bad reviews and not enough positive reviews. The angry minority drowns out the happy majority when the happy majority doesn’t leave reviews.

Create a long-term, steady plan to attract more online reviews. Over time you will see your ratings increase. Most of your patients are happy, so your reviews should reflect that. This helps balance out any negative reviews and improve your overall reputation.

We specialize in this type of reputation management program for medical practices and doctors, and we manage hundreds of doctors’ profiles. Contact us to learn more.

Respond to negative reviews: If you receive a negative review, it’s important to respond in a professional and understanding manner. Acknowledge the patient’s concerns and offer to address any issues they may have had. Do not be defensive – it will look bad to the original reviewer and everyone else who sees the response.

Seek out opportunities to improve: If you receive multiple negative reviews, it may be a sign that there are areas of your practice that need improvement. Take the time to review your processes and see if there are any changes you can make to improve the patient experience.

Empower your patients with the full story.

  • Don’t let a few negative reviews scare new patients away

  • Generate a steady stream of authentic, positive reviews

  • Patents prefer recent and relevant reviews. 

Client Spotlight – Real Results


Before & After Review Generation

New Reviews
Review Volume Up
Average Rating Increase

All doctor profiles claimed & optimized

GCSA Before After



  • Review Generation
  • Custom Reports & Alerts
  • Bulk Discounts Available


  • All Plus Package Features
  • Professional Response Management
  • Bulk Discounts Available


  • All Premium Package Features
  • Review Remarketing
  • Bulk Discounts Available

Pricing is per profile (clinic or doctor).  Minimum 15 profiles. Bulk discounts starting at 25 profiles.  Initial setup fee may apply. 

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Too many doctors are losing patients to the competition because they aren’t minding their online reputation.

We offer comprehensive online reputation management for doctors.

Online Reputation Management for Doctors